Aquaponics uses the byproduct of one element (fish) to benefit another (beneficial bacteria and plants).

This symbiotic relationship emulates natural aquatic ecosystems which can be found in waterways all over the world.




•  Recirculating systems are incredibly efficient, using only about 1/10th of the water used for field crop production.

• Allows for growing abundant crops in arid and drought-prone locations.

• No water waste or run-off or need for dumping means no risk of damage to other ecological systems.


•  Locally grown and delivered to reduce food miles, gas consumption, and carbon emissions.

•  Grown year-round in a greenhouse without industrial farm equipment, or being flown around the world.

•  Highly nutritious food grown without any petrochemical fertilizers, synthetic pesticides or herbicides.

•  Systems can be constructed virtually anywhere, be of any size, and are easily scalable, reducing the need for land used in traditional agricultural practices.


•  Aquaponics can grow non-GMO and organic produce using the right inputs and crop management practices.

• Aquaponics is a balanced ecosystem of interdependent elements: fish, water, bacteria and plants. Everything used in the system must be safe for the other elements.

• Greater food safety since the plants are not exposed to farm and wild animals or potentially contaminated agricultural water.

• Fish are humanely raised in clean water with specific, high-quality feed and a controlled population.

• Fish in lakes, rivers and oceans are often exposed to a variety of chemicals and pollutants and are being reduced by overfishing.

• Greenhouse growing requires specific management practices for food safety and pest and disease management in a controlled environment.


The Aquaponic Source. (2020). What is aquaponics? [Infographic].

The Aquaponic Source. (2020). Frequently asked questions [Infographic].